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Dark Art in Music
Exploring Cool and Edgy Themes in Music from My Bandmates, Co-Writers, and Various Other Musical Personas I've Encountered Over my Long Career in the World of Music
Title: The Guitar Man
By Lee Johnson (2023)
"The Guitar Man" is a song recorded by the American soft rock band Bread in 1972. It is a mixture of the sounds of soft rock, including strings and acoustic guitar, and the addition of a wah-wah effect electric guitar. The song peaked at No. 11 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in the United States and was Bread's third No. 1 hit on the easy listening chart.
My new artwork below is my conception of what the Guitar Man would look like in real life. This piece uses a mixture of black pen, watercolors, and gold leaf techniques to give it a shimmery, gilded effect that works well with the brown and earth-tone hues in his coat jacket and the background setting.
You can hear the original classic song on YouTube right here: The Guitar Man by Bread
Title: Quinceañera
By Lee Johnson (2023)
Celebrating the coming-of-age birthday that is widely celebrated throughout Latin America for young female teens when they turn 15, this work reflects the wild energy of youth combined with the excitement of dressing up for the special occasion with friends and family, plus a bit of apprehension about the changes that come with adulthood. I used black pen, watercolors, sponge, and blotting techniques to create this work.
Title: Primal Edge
By Lee Johnson (2023)
This new artwork visually conveys my inner colors I feel when I compose and produce certain types of music. I feel a wild, primal, edgy emotion that grips my inner core and makes me feel connected to the earth in an animalistic, almost supernatural way.
Title: The Color of Music
By Lee Johnson (2023)
There are more than 56 top-level genres of music .... and many thousands of subgenres. The depth of variety that exists in music spans the very nature of the human experience. From the lightest, most whimsical sentiments in pastel hues .... to the darkest, most primal, dangerous, emotional expressions. Music is a natural continuum through the entire 360-degree color wheel, and if you listen closely, you can hear the color of music through the entire spectrum. My new piece below conveys the essence of finding the beautiful color in all styles and genres of music.
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Dark Art in Music
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